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Tim und Struppi 01: Im Lande der Sowjets (koreanische Version)

Price incl. VAT (19%) €3,66
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Shipping: 8–13 days
In stock: 1 available
Product Details
UPC-Strichcode: 9788981337995
62 pages
year: 2016
language: Korean
A series that follows a curious, adventurous and quick-witted boy journalist as he travels the world and solves cases. The history and culture of each country is brought to life with quirky humour and suspenseful stories. The 24 volumes of The Adventures of Tinker are said to be an encyclopaedia of world history and culture.    
In the first volume, ‘Tinker Tinker Goes to the Soviet Union,’ Tinker Tinker tries to report on the reality of the Soviet Union, but is targeted by the secret police and imprisoned. This work captures the antipathy of Europeans towards communism at the time. Through The Adventures of Tinker, Hergé hoped to raise awareness of the dangers of Bolshevism.

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Tim und Struppi 01: Im Lande der Sowjets (koreanische Version)
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